Save money and operating costs, minimize your energy waste, and lower your property's environmental impact.

Why Save Energy?

San Francisco is meeting the challenge of climate change with leading policies, programs, and partnerships, all of which are designed to make energy efficiency and renewable energy easier and more affordable. 

With actions taken towards the installation of energy efficient equipment and clean energy, San Francisco becomes a cleaner, healthier and more secure city. On top of it all, pursuing energy efficiency can help to reduce your monthly bills by lowering your energy consumption!

Energy Efficiency

Incentives and financing

  • BayREN Home+: offers homeowners up to $4,500 for home energy efficiency upgrades. The program connects homeowners with qualified contractors to help homeowners improve the comfort, safety and energy efficiency of their home.
  • Rising Sun: free Green House Calls
  • GoSolarSF: Cash incentives are available to property owners that install eligible solar electric systems



There are many other financing options to make high value energy improvements that can save money and enhance property values. 

Unsecured financing provided by specialized financial institutions (and often marketed by partner energy contractors) require review and approval based on the personal credit of the borrower and other factors.  Secured financing options, like a home equity line of credit or second mortgages, use the property or other assets as collateral for the lender. Secured financing often leads to lower interest.  It’s important to review all available options and understand the relative benefits and risks before making a financing decision.  

Some available financing options include:  

  • Energy Service Agreements (ESAs): ESAs closely resemble solar power purchase agreements, where a private entity finances, installs, owns, and maintains certain energy installations, and through special agreements with the owner, receives payments set at or below their pre-retrofit utility costs.  This unique structure makes it possible to finance deeper retrofits at minimal liability to the property owner, and may allow for favorable accounting treatment. 
  • Go Green: Discover a range of home loan & financing options for homes and businesses in California at Go Green Financing 

Contact SF Environment's energy team today at (415) 355-3700 for information on financial incentives for energy efficiency or renewable energy upgrades, financing options, and requirements.

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